Episode 116: Dalia Taft
Dalia Taft and Jeanne Pepper together for recording of Episode 116
Dalia Taft
The Historian with a History of Giving Back
Director, Orange County Jewish Historical Society
Grants Committee Chairman, Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County
Our guest this week, Dalia Taft, tells us about her personal journey in philanthropy and how she became an integral part of the Jewish community’s volunteer superstars. I first met Dalia almost twenty years ago when she was participating with our children in the Orange County standout organization “The Community Scholars Program” which brought us together for scholarship, camping trips, and other family friendly Jewish activities. Dalia presently is the volunteer chair of the Grants Committee of the Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County. She also lives at the intersection of illegal immigration, the Hispanic community and the Jewish community because her son recently married a “Dreamer.” Dalia discusses the importance of compassion for these children of illegal immigrants that are not allowed citizenship as adults and fear deportation. She also discusses her religious and spiritual beliefs and how they have changed over the years. This is a fascinating interview which will leave you with new perspectives on immigration and its affect on the children in this marginalized community.
Episode 116
Hosted by: Jeanne Pepper
Guest: Dalia Taft
Producer: Eli Moskowitz
Original Theme: Jay Bernstein
Special Thank You to;
Gideon Bernstein
Helen Harlan